Monday, June 3, 2013

Just another day

Not getting a parking ticket.
The vast greatness of God that hits you and then shrinks your problems down to size in the moment when you stand staring at the ocean.
Coffee breaks.
People letting you know that they're praying for you.
Meetings gone well.
The freedom to be who I am and not try to fit in to a mold that didn't make me.
Tiredness and hard laughs.
A hundred ways to see God in a day.
Generosity that goes beyond the point of possible return.
Listening ears.

So many random little things to be thankful for in one day. :)  It's amazing how I tend to miss all this stuff when I feel like things are under control. 

What kind of a blessing comes from days gone haywire?  This kind.  Ahhh, happiness....  The calm after a storm and joy after a trial always seem sweeter than they were the day before.